In this area you can download (sometimes for free) some of my ebooks. Please enjoy!
Here you will find some interesting thoughts, or hints on Court Interpreting, namely: ethical issues; language and register to use.
Court Interpreting
Download for free the
audio files
of the ebook
English for Web Marketing
Audiobook "
Business Letters
Ebook "
": download a free ebook on English for beginners.
This ebook may be used by teachers in courses for beginners!
Table of Content of “Legal English: diritto societario comparato e finanziario”
(Legal English: comparative company law and finance law), Giuffrè-Lefebvre 2020
Table of content of “Guida agli strumenti per la traduzione giuridica”
(Legal translation tools: offline corpora)
, Filodiritto 2019
Table of content of “Inglese Giuridico, Web e Corpora”
(Legal English, the Web and Corpora)
, Giuffrè 2018 (go to "Allegati")
List of content of “Academic English”
, De Agostini UTET 2017 (click on "Indice")
List of content of “Legal English”
(second edition), Giuffrè 2017
List of content of “Legal English”
(first edition), Giuffrè 2015
Excerpt from “Business English”
, Zanichelli 2013
Ebook "
A Handbook of International Commerce
Ebook "
A Tradurre il Testo Divulgativo con Risorse Online
(Translating Informative Texts with Online Resources)
Ebook "
English in Law (Advanced) - A Compendium of Legal English for Advanced and Proficiency Students
Ebook "
English in Law - A Compendium of Legal English for Pre-intermediate, Intermediate and Upper-intermediate Students
Ebook "
Frasario del Turpiloquio Cinematografico (Italiano>Inglese)
(Foul Language in Audiovisual Translation)
Ebook "
A Guide to Summaries in Business, Economics and Law
Ebook "
Traduzioni Legali di Documenti e Certificati di Persone Giuridiche
(Legal Translation of Legal Persons' Documents and Certificates)
Ebook "
Il Mestiere del Traduttore - una guida per i neofiti
(A Translator's Profession: a guide for beginners)
Ebook "
Trend Analysis: descrivere andamenti economico-finanziari in lingua inglese
(Trend Analysis: describing economic and financial trends)
Ebook "
Parlare al Telefono in lingua inglese
(Telephoning in English)
Ebook "
Public speaking: parlare in lingua inglese di fronte ad altre persone
(Public Speaking: speaking English in front of an audience)
Ebook "
Bandi internazionali per architetti, geometri e urbanisti: partecipare in lingua inglese
(Participating in international tenders: a handbook for architects, surveyors and town planners)
FREE Ebook
for Architects
Inglese per Architetti: esercizi audio/video
Here are the
Answer keys
Ebook "
English Grammar, the way I like it! (VOL. 1)
", and
Ebook "
English Grammar, the way I like it! (VOL. 2)
": download my free ebooks on English grammar for Italian secondary school students.
Ebook "
English Grammar, the way I like it! (VOL. 3-Advanced)
": download this free ebook on advanced grammar for Italian students.
Download the
Answer Keys to the first volume
, the
Answer Keys to the second volume
, and the
Answer Keys to the third volume
Ebook "
English for Job Applications
Ebook "
Survival English: Inglese turistico-culturale di livello intermedio
(English for Tourists)
Ebook "
L'Inglese giuridico nell'europrogettazione
(Legal English in European Projects)
Ebook "
La corrispondenza nell'europrogettazione: comunicare in inglese con i partner di progetto e con l'autorità preposta
(Communicating with the project partners and with the relevant authorities in European Projects)
Ebook: "
L’inglese europeo nel settore llp: glossario di sinonimi, verbi e frasi nel settore dell'apprendimento permanente
(Glossary of terms in EU LLP)
Ebook: "
L'inglese nella rendicontazione dei progetti europei: guida alla comprensione del manuale finanziario dell'europrogettazione
(A handbook in European Project Budgeting)
Here I propose you some crosswords (with solutions) on
Legal English
Buon lavoro!
... Don't forget the solution for the
First crossword
Second crossword